School Attendance Is an Important Matter
Children who attend school regularly learn more and are more successful in school than children who do not.
Attendance patterns are formed early in life. Children who develop good attendance habits in the early grades will be more likely to continue them throughout their school career, as well as into their chosen career.
Children who do not attend school regularly miss out on developing a strong foundation for learning. They miss out on carefully planned sequences of instruction. They miss out on active learning experiences and class participation. They miss out on gaining important social skills. As a result, they are more likely to fall behind and drop out of school.
All parents/guardians should inform the school by phone and/or in writing regarding all absences. Absences for which school receives no information are considered unexcused/unverified. All valid notes must be given to the school within 5 days of the first day's absence.
Unexcused Absences Include:
Missed School Bus
Recreational Activities
Child Care Issues
Vacations/Out of Town
Parent Excused Absences (up to 10 days) include:
Personal illness
Illness or death in the family
Medical appointments
Pre-approved travel
Recognized religious holidays
Required court appearances
When a student accrues a total of 5 unexcused/unverified absences for the school year, the school counselor will invite the student’s parents/guardians and potentially the student to an attendance meeting to develop a plan to resolve the nonattendance.
When a student accrues a total of 7 unexcused/unverified absences for the school year, the school counselor will invite the students parents, administration and a School Social Worker to an Attendance Conference to offer more support and improve attendance.
Upon continued unexcused/unverified absences, the School Social Worker and the Director of Student Services are notified and will begin interventions with the family.
Students are allowed up to ten parent/ guardian “excused absence” notes. After the 10th absence that is excused by the parent/ guardian without third party documentation (doctor, dentist, therapist etc.), the principal will require that any subsequent absences will need third party documentation in order to be excused.
Let your child know that school attendance is important and that you expect him/her to attend school every day.
Parents who make regular school attendance a priority are helping their children learn to accept responsibility, and that’s an important lesson for a successful life.
Schedule medical appointments so that your child can attend at least part of the school day. This will also allow your child to check in with the teacher(s) to turn in assignments as well as pick up new assignments for the day.
If your child does miss school, please contact the school regarding the absence at (540) 661-4450. A note from your child’s physician or a written note from you explaining the reason for the absence is required upon your child’s return to school.
Set a time and place for doing homework and a regular bedtime.
Get involved and communicate with your child’s school and teachers. Your involvement will send the message to your child that attending school is important.
Please help your child arrive at school on time and remain all day. Students can arrive at 9:00 a.m. and should be in the classrooms no later than 9:15 a.m., each and every day.
Our goal at Orange Elementary is to have every student at school for an entire school day to maximize learning. Let’s all work together as a team so we can make regular school attendance a priority!
Please refer to Student Absences in the Orange County Public Schools Parent-Student Handbook or visit our website Code of Student Conduct 2023-2024 for more detailed information on the attendance policy.
View the Division's Attendance Policies Below:
Jennifer Shelton
Attendance Secretary and Registrar
540-661-4450 | Ext. 2727